HBO’s critically acclaimed series, Game of Thrones has everyone tuned in for its final season. The show has been a great success over the past 8 years and it's no wonder as GOT’s massive production schedule in cost and scale has grown equivalent to filming three blockbuster films each season. Beyond just its great characters and storylines, I truly think it’s the cinematic experience in each episode, that keeps us coming back for more – and there really is no going back from here!
What do I mean by that? It’s simple, as technology progresses we expect everything we see touch hear and experience to get better as well. Today’s consumer market is demanding better, faster, cleaner, consistent, products and that can put some manufacturers in a tight spot. In order to stay in the game, they must stay ahead of consumer trends and for many that means automation. Our diverse team of engineers with expertise in everything from robotics to electrical panels will work hard to design and build your automation solution to meet your specific needs and tackle all of your production challenges – That’s what custom automation is all about – we are here to help you adapt the latest technologies so that you can give your customers the epic experience they have come to expect!
And remember….Winter may be coming, but it’s always warm and sunny at PrimeTest® Automation!